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Pin-tailed Sandgrouse [gallery]

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Pin-tailed Sandgrouse

Author: Jiří Bohdal

Visit rate: 5497


  [1 = best]

Description: Spain - 2010

Camera: Canon EOS 1D Mark III

Key words: Pterocles alchata, female, wildlife

Other languages:

UK: Pin-tailed Sandgrouse DE: Spießflughuhn FR: Ganga cata ES: Ganga Común CZ: Stepokur nádherný krásný DK: Spidshalet Sandhøne NL: Witbuikzandhoen FI: Jouhihietakyyhky IT: Grandule NO: Hvitbuksandhøne SE: Vitbukig flyghöna RU: Белобрюхий рябок JP: シロハラサケイ AR: القطاة الغطاطة GR: Περιστερόκοτα PT: Cortiçol-de-barriga-branca UA: Білочеревий рябок TR: Kılkuyruk Bağırtlak Başırtlak Kıl-kuyruk Step Tavuğu bağyrtlak HE: קטה חדת-זנב PL: Stepówka białobrzucha SK: Stepiar bielobruchý SI: Biserna stepska kokoška

Code: 2366

Date of insertion: 20. 12. 2010

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